This Boiling Water Car Trick Will Drive Your Mechanic Crazy

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A traffic mishap is every driver’s nightmare. Whether you’re driving your precious new car or you are saving your money for something else, getting in an accident can hurt you in more ways than one. Injuries, damages, legal issues, the list goes on and on.
Going for an unplanned pit stop can put a dent in your bank account as well.


Aside from getting injuries both physically and mentally, the costs of fixing your car can quickly add up to a large sum of money. It might seem like you can never know for sure how much it will cost you to fix a simple dent, for example. Most people are inexperienced with body shop prices which means that these places can easily fool you into thinking that you have a bigger problem than you actually do! They can persuade you to get your yearly engine check-up early or run diagnostics on the side so that you end up spending even more. Well, if your only problem is a simple dent, let us show you how to fix it at home, easily!


Keep reading for a detailed explanation of this trick!

Scalding Hot Water

You won’t believe how easy it is to do this yourself. Just put the kettle on with some water and grab a toilet plunger. Sounds weird but it works, we promise!

  • Get a kettle or pot and start boiling some water.
  • Once it’s bubbling, grab the container carefully, go outside and pour the water directly onto the dent. Try not to burn yourself, OK?
  • Now comes the fun part – get the plunger ready! Place it on the edge of the damaged area and start pulling, slowly but surely. Keep working around it until you reach the dent itself.
  • In just a few minutes – if you’ve been careful enough, the dent should be gone! It’s like magic, only better. Your vehicle will look brand new!

Check this video down below for a visual guide on how it’s done:
