Get Rid Of Centipedes With These Tips

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5 Ways To Get Rid Of House Centipedes For Goodcentipede

Maybe you aren’t convinced that house centipedes are great pets since they consume silverfish and flies. Crushing them with a tissue to get rid of them is tempting, but doing so might leave behind highly nasty spots. If you can’t afford a professional exterminator, try some of these natural, non-toxic alternatives.

Powerful vacuum cleaner

House centipedes may be easily removed with a powerful vacuum cleaner if you observe them coming from cracks or crawl spaces. Once the vacuum is empty, place the bag or cup in an air tight trash container and throw it away in the regular garbage.


Diatomaceous earth

This fine powder, created by grinding up insect exoskeletons, is an excellent treatment for ants, spiders, roaches, and other crawling insects that invade human dwellings. The powder’s tiny sharp edges penetrate the house centipedes’ bodies, causing the internal fat and oils to dry out and eventually kill them. Use generous amounts to cover crevices, door thresholds, and nooks, paying particular attention to wet spots. If you want to wait a few days, you may just leave it and then vacuum it up. Don’t use the vacuum cleaner for at least 24 hours. When necessary, the process may be repeated.

Ensure there is nothing for them to eat

This requires the extermination of a wide variety of insects, including cockroaches, silverfish, flies, moths, and others that house centipedes enjoy as a tasty snack. Diatomaceous earth, sticky traps, vinegar spray, cedarwood spray, salt, and/or baking soda should be put on thresholds and in corners and are all harmless ways to get rid of these pests.

Get rid of any entry points

The house centipede is drawn to objects that provide shelter. If you want to stop them from entering your house, remove any leaf litter, soil, grass clippings, or weeds that might become moist near the foundation of your home.

Disinfect drains with bleach or vinegar

House centipedes are often discovered in or around sink drains and under-sink cupboards in both the kitchen and the bathroom. Vinegar or bleach poured down the drain should do the trick. You should start with a half cup of vinegar, wait an hour, and then add another half cup. Use a bleach solution of half bleach and half water.

In no circumstances can vinegar and bleach be combined. Toxic chlorine gas may be produced if the two are mixed.
